Abortion Pills in Bontoc Mountain Province: My boyfriend and I had just broken up before I found out that I was pregnant (entry # 171)

Abortion pills in Bontoc, Mountain Province

It has been two months since I underwent a procedure that I never imagined I would have actually done.

My period was delayed in the second week of June, so I tried to take a pregnancy test the next morning, and the result was positive. I can’t quite imagine what my reaction was that day. I was stunned, and soon I didn’t know what to do. What hurt that day was that my boyfriend and I had just broken up before I found out that I was pregnant. I tried to contact him and tell him the news. At first, he didn’t believe, and that hurt me a lot. I know and we both know that something happened between us before we broke up, but I still researched on the internet what could cause a positive result in PT, and there were many results that came out, so I just hoped that maybe I’m not pregnant and maybe it’s just a UTI because of the false-positive result of my PT. A few days passed, and I thought about doing PT again to see if the result would change, but it was still positive. So on July 3, I thought of going with my friend to get checked up at the hospital, and we were surprised because they said I was 5 weeks, 5 days pregnant.

When I found out that I was really pregnant, I couldn’t understand my feelings. It’s a mixed feeling because I’m also thinking about our situation as the child’s father. Since then, I can’t think straight; the only thing that comes to mind is how I can fulfill my dreams that I’ve been wanting to achieve for a long time. That’s when I thought that while it was still early, I would have a medical abortion. I didn’t think to do it because, first of all, I am not yet financially, mentally, and emotionally stable because of what is happening.
I was thinking about going to hospital or private clinic to ask for help but it came to my mind that I know they wouldn’t allow me to do abortion since it’s illegal in the Philippines that’s why I searched everything about abortion in google.

While searching on the internet, I saw “project 486 abortion” then I was curious and clicked it and saw different articles and stories/testimonies which made me feel comfort. Then I emailed them ASAP after reading. I was anxiously waiting for their response so when they sent an email back I responded ASAP. Then I was able to talk with Dr.John. He explained everything over the phone. Discuss everything before letting me decide if I want to proceed. I trusted him and decided to do the procedure. It was not easy for me to decide since I was thinking many things.

When I got the medicines, on the first and second days, I took Mife #1 and Mife #2. I didn’t feel any side effects from the drugs on the first and second days.

3rd day when I will drink the miso. I came home from work at around three o’clock to prepare everything I would need and use, especially knowing that I had no one to watch over me. I prepared everything and made sure that all the things I would use were next to me and within reach. When it was four o’clock, I followed the instructions that had to be done. Then I lay down and waited for what happened next. Around six o’clock, I felt cramps in my stomach. I immediately contacted Doc John to tell him what I was feeling, and I also asked if I could take Advil, and he said yes, so I took it. After a few hours, the cramps are somewhat removed, but I feel that it still hurts a little, so I applied a hot compress. I also felt a bit feverish, so I took my body temperature. I didn’t realize how many hours I had a fever, but it went away after a few hours. After a while, I suddenly started peeing. I tried to stop it, but suddenly I peed on my diaper. Doc said that I can’t stand or sit, and I’m in diapers, so it’s okay to take everything out, especially since I don’t have anyone with me to change. And that’s when I feel like there’s a lot of liquid coming out of my V. Later on, I suddenly pooped because I couldn’t stop it either, but I couldn’t do anything but let it all out because I couldn’t help it. I also feel that it keeps coming out. I thought it was blood because I feel like I’m having my period. At 7 p.m., I followed the next process of buccal intake again. After that, I waited for the time again because I could stand up and check my diapers until 12. When it was 12 in the morning, Doc chatted and said I could sit down, stand up, and go to the CR to check my diaper. When I went to the CR, I was very surprised because there was already the POC coming out and it was in my diaper. I took it slowly, washed it, and followed the doctor’s instructions that needed to be done.


After everything was done, I cried and cried because it really hurts that I had lost someone and undergone such situation. It was really a big lesson for me to carry throughout my life.

Lastly, I want to thank project 486 especially Dr. John for guiding and supporting me since day 1.

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