BEWARE. Cebu Abortion Clinic male “nurse” coerces patients to use his p*nis to push cytotec tablets deep into their v (entry # 134)

Cebu Abortion Clinic Male Nurse SCAMS and RAPES patients. BEWARE

A certain male “nurse” operating an FB page entitled “Cebu Abortion Clinic” is out there preying on desperate women , scamming them with ineffective medicines and raping them in the process.

Here is one of his victims who was  coerced to perform sexual acts  and almost got penetrated (penile) . Technically, she was raped because the pervert has “fingered” her in the pretense of a pelvic examination  then proceeded to asking her creepy and suggestive questions –very  unbecoming of a professional .  All this while being provided with sketchy  medications  that didn’t  work .

abortion clinic lapu-lapu cebu
this is an excerpt from Angel’s comment on this blog entry scroll to the bottom part, her comment is among the last ones


May this serve as a warning to women esp in Cebu. A certain male nurse offers to assist you in person then later take advantage of you by coercing you to have sex with him so the misoprostol (cytotec) tablets could be pushed deep into your vagina using his penis. He’ll do this while your partner/companion is out (on his orders) to buy supplies needed for the procedure (ex underpads, adult diapers, etc)

The World Health Organization refers to the medical abortion  procedure as  self-administered or self-managed abortion which means you don’t need the direct face-to-face supervision of a health provider.  Women who don’t know this are very susceptible  to believe scammers and perverts  who   perpetuate the LIE that medical abortion will fail without them personally “intervening” or “assisting” patients.

WHO: Self-management of medical abortion (know more, click this)

self administered abortions


Here is the story of Angel from Cebu, a victim of a sexual predator posing as an abortion service provider  who robs women of their money, decency and dignity. She felt it compelling to share her story to warn women from her native Cebu of this pervert  and his ilk taking advantage of women’s vulnerability  in their most desperate and darkest moments

To Project486, the people who will be reading this and to Dr. John and Dr. Alex;

Hello. I have been contemplating the words I wanted to say ever since I started the process with Project486 because I want to put my story out there, I want to raise awareness about abortion and how it should be legalized in our country, and above all to help women find the enlightenment that they need who are in the same situation as I was.

My name is Angel – a beauty queen, I graduated a year ago with flying colors, I got a decent job in the law industry and to my parents, family, and to everyone who knows me I’m this perfect “star child” with a bright future who can’t make mistakes. Unbeknownst to them that a month before I graduated, I had my first medical abortion when an official impregnated me by using his authority and coercing me into having sexual intercourse with him. I was single, that man is a predator and I knew that my first child will not have a good life, that child will not be accepted nor celebrated. That child will receive backlash and face the consequences of the actions he/she didn’t do. I also knew that I wouldn’t be able to provide for that child nor stand on my own two feet since I was just about to graduate. I did what I had to do, I reached out to people I know who connected me to people who might help me. On the first try, I went to a local “manghihilot” . She massaged my stomach and told me to pay 5K upfront so she can get the medicines for me. Days after, she gave me the medicine (it was cytotec and methergine, she also included some amoxicillin), I took the medicine as per her instructions. I bled but no clots came out. Thus – it didn’t work. I reached out to a seller on Facebook and again, I had to pay 3K for cytotec alone. Luckily on my second gamble, I was able to expel the POC and I had another chance at life away from responsibility.

Fast forward to this year, I’ve always looked back to that incident and yes, I mourn from time to time. I always feel the loss of a child and my heart would break a little every time I’d see a mother or a baby. I have told my partner about it and he accepts me and my history. That’s why from the very first month that we are together, we knew that we have the same views in life – we want to achieve our goals first, we don’t want to introduce life into this world and not be able to provide our child’s needs and wants. However, fate or life really likes to play games because again, I have found myself in the same situation as I was a year ago. This time, I was conflicted, I wanted to keep the baby without thinking about the consequences. Me and my partner fought because we both knew we can’t provide for the child, we’re just starting our lives and we’re at the peak of our careers. Me – about to take the board exam and him, still in medical school. After some days of thinking and reflecting on the situation of my friends who complain about motherhood and how it hindered them to achieve their goals, how it’s difficult for them to provide for their child’s needs especially when their baby gets sick and how difficult it is to have a partner who’s unsupportive and insensitive to a woman’s emotion as time passes during the pregnancy. Scared to be stuck in the same cycle; I have decided to again abort the baby. We first contacted the same seller I reached out to before and bought cytotec from her. I did what I did a year ago but this time, it didn’t work. Guilt got the best of me and at the back of my mind something was telling me that maybe that child doesn’t want to get expelled that’s why it was clinging onto me or “malakas ang kapit” as what we say. However, I already started the process and I knew that it has already affected the baby. Thus, I cannot continue the pregnancy.

On our second try, I reached out to a Facebook page named “**** Abortion Clinic” they asked me to provide my mobile number and a “nurse” called me. He told me the process and we thought that he’s legit since he seemed so confident and the things that he was explaining were all technical that would lead a layman to believe that he really belongs in the medical industry. We arranged a meet-up and we had to pay 9K on the same day. On the day of the meet-up we booked a hotel room as per his request. He arrived at our room (my partner was with me during that day) and he sent my partner to get under pads, sanitary pads and other supplies. When my partner left, he asked me uncomfortable questions such as: “do you easily get wet? “are you sexually active?” “do you easily get aroused?” and many others. Not knowing about the process I answered all of his questions awkwardly. He gave me the medicines and I thought that I will administer it like I have always done and he will just be there to guide/assist me when needed but he told me that he always administers it to his “patients”. But then, he said that in order for my cervix to open up he must first get me aroused with his own penis. I looked at him with disbelief and I was appalled. I straight up told him that I will not do that nor allow that. He didn’t have any choice so he told me to undress so he could put the medicine inside me. He inserted his fingers inside me and he shook his head with disdain and told me that my cervix is too tight for the medicine to take effect. He told me that I should first get aroused. He then inserted his fingers again and told me to “let go” and to feel the intimacy, to think about my boyfriend and to moan. I couldn’t feel anything, I was numb, I felt violated, I was confused and I wanted to cry. Finally, after what felt like forever, I gained the courage and told him to stop. I told him that I’ll do it instead, in an attempt to make myself feel lubricated or wet; I did what I did with him in the same room. He moved closer to me and guided my hands towards his front. I resisted and told him that it’s enough. I didn’t know what to do. I was helpless, vulnerable and confused with everything that was happening. He knew well that I wouldn’t report what he did because what we were doing was illegal. He then began explaining things and how it worked for his other patients which I didn’t care to listen to because all I felt was repulsion towards him. When my partner came back, he instructed us to have sex just so I can get “loose” we tried doing “it” with him in the same room but he realized that it was so awkward for the both of us. Hence, he gave us a packet full of medicines and gave us instructions then left. We followed everything as per his instructions and hours passed, I didn’t bleed nor contract and nothing happened (take note: the mifepristone that he gave me wasn’t yellow and it wasn’t in a packet) I reached out to him and he told me to just follow what is written in the instructions and told me to buy additional medicine such as Hemarate FA, Flanax, Primrose and many other medicine that I didn’t get because we didn’t have enough money. My partner spent all of his savings and even borrowed just so we can continue this process. His reasoning was I’m anemic. Days passed and nothing happened, I followed his instructions and continuously he would call me and tell me that his patients from Dumaguete, from Cebu, Manila were all a success and some of them were months ahead of me that I questioned and doubted myself. One time, he called me and scolded me because I was hostile and I was very stressed. He told me that the reason why it’s not taking effect is because I’m too stressed (These incidents happened 3 days before my board exam). He then suggested that I should do the surgical which is via vacuum suction which costs 40K. I told him that we don’t have that much and we can’t afford it and he said we must find ways so we can finish the process and get rid of the life inside me. That there are women who are in much worse situations than I was and still, they found ways to get the money.

I felt cynical, all hopes and faith were gone, I didn’t know what to do. Both me and my partner felt uneasy and more stressed. In search of hope; I’ve looked through every social media platform to find organizations or people that can help me. Until I stumbled upon a video on TikTok with people commenting about MA in the Philippines and who to reach out to. One comment got my attention and it was of Project486. Out of curiosity, I searched their webpage and read all the stories. Somehow, Project486 became this beacon of hope and I felt enlightened, assured and comforted by the stories other women share. I also got informed about the legitimacy of the medicines that are needed to be used and how it’s important to follow instructions given by the consultant. I immediately sent a message to their email and I really thought they would not respond but after a few hours, they gave me instructions and I followed them and they provided a contact number for my consultant.

abortion clinic in mactan cebu


I reached out to Dr. John via WhatsApp, we called and he walked me through the entire process, he answered my concerns patiently and he empathized with me. I told him about my experience and it also made him angry because it was unethical. He encouraged me that once the process is done, I should share my story. Following the call were instructions, payment method and answers to all of my concerns that erased my doubts. I felt assured. We carried on with the process and on the day the medicines arrived,

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Dr. John gave me instructions, he would remind me when to drink water, when to take my medicine, and he would check up on me from time to time. When I have questions or whenever I feel stressed, he would give me assurance and comfort.

abortion clinic near Cebu City


On the third day (miso day), I was alone but Dr. John was there to give me instructions and made sure that I was comfortable. The third day was not easy to describe the least (even though I have done it before), it was painful – emotionally, physically, mentally but Dr. John would always keep in check and would tell me to take proper medicine if the pain was unbearable.

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To cut the story short, out of all the people I reached out to, Project486 was the only organization/people who truly helped us. They gave me a consultation for free (they didn’t care whether I get the medicine from them or not. What mattered to them was that I was informed and I will be safe), they walked me through the process and made me understand how the medicine works, and from the day that I reached out to them until the process was done and even during the healing period – they were there to answer my questions, my doubts and to give me comfort. Until this day, Dr. John would check up on me and would remind me to not take stress, to take time to heal, to have a proper diet and to not engage in strenuous activities. Dr. John was very professional in addressing my concerns and in giving instructions. He really helped me through the process and gave me assurance that I needed during it.

Thank you is an understatement to what I should give to Project486 especially to Dr. John and Dr. Alex. They are literal beacons of hope to women and to couples who are not ready to face a big responsibility and who are responsible enough to know that. Project486 gave me my second chance at life and opened my eyes to always strive for betterment. My partner is also very thankful for them because now, we will be able to pursue our plans and continue our careers. We wouldn’t know what to do if it wasn’t for this organization. In a country where abortion is illegal and accidental/teenage pregnancy is rampant, Project486 is this savior that can get someone out of misery – safely and professionally.

To the women who are reading this,

Regardless of your reason – may it be financial, minority, because of some unpleasant incident that happened, because you’re not ready, or just because you don’t want a child. Bottom line is, pregnancy happens regardless of how careful you are (trust me, me and my partner did everything we can to prevent it). However, you should keep in mind that you have the right towards your body and you have the right to direct the course of your future. They say that abortion is the easy way out but it isn’t, no words can describe the pain a mother goes through. You will feel guilt, you will blame yourself, you will feel depressed and like me for the past days, I have shut myself out of the world and cried endlessly. Point is, abortion is not the easy way out, you will mourn and you will be sad. However, we must keep in mind that It’s okay to mourn, to be sad, and to cry over something we never held but we have loved but what’s not okay is to stay stuck in that roller coaster of emotion when the very reason why we did it in the first place is because we want to provide the best for our future child. Knowing that you can be parents but choosing not to because your child deserves the best version of you is the most selfless thing. Choosing a better future for you and your future child is the most selfless thing. No child deserves to live in a life of scarcity nor life of hatred or backlash. A child deserves to be celebrated and accepted. Healing from everything is such a long process and I have a long way to go. However, I know for a fact that I’m doing all of this for my angel so I can provide the best for my child in the future. It is also a bonus because I have a very loving, supportive and understanding partner who was with me in every step and in all of my decisions. Before I end this testimony, I want you all to read Psalm 91 it is my favorite bible verse. It is the psalm for protection and security. Its main message is not “Times are bad” but instead “Times are bad but for that very reason your confidence in God needs to be stronger than ever!”  The threats around us make people nervous, uncertain, afraid, and cynical.  It wants to tell us that instead of letting the wider world determine how we feel, we need to let our ultimate confidence in God become the lens through which we view the wider world. God, not current events, is what shapes our viewpoints, informs our hopes, and brings us a confidence that avoids cynicism. When it comes to faith, I have full trust in our Lord. He is our father and regardless of our sins, if we only ask for forgiveness he will give us mercy and compassion. 


12 comments on “BEWARE. Cebu Abortion Clinic male “nurse” coerces patients to use his p*nis to push cytotec tablets deep into their v (entry # 134)

  1. I need your help. I know there is something changing in my body. Confirmed it after 2mos since I was irreg. I was browsing the web to know what are the possible reasons to induce miscarriage. Out of nowhere, I came across your website. I know that I can trust you because of the stories of other women here. That is why I asked for your help. Thank you so much!

  2. I noticed I was delayed for 3days earlier this month and also noticed some changes in my body before that. Well since I’m always regular I got a feeling that something is not really right. I always use calendar method and keep track of everything. And on the 6th day of being delayed I finally had the courage to tell my partner about it. We were both lost and don’t know what to do because we already planned our future and having a baby is too early for us. And at this time I’m still scared to take pregnancy test but in the back of my mind or even at night when I can’t sleep I’ve been doing my research on how to get rid of this safely until Project486 caught my attention. Been reading all their articles, I told my partner about this and we finally decided to give it a try and contacted them. They emailed me back and I have to answer some questions and one of it is a required picture of PT. I took PT first thing in the morning and I’m not surprised when two red lines appeared not even a minute of testing. After sending answers they assigned me to Dr. J. Had consultations with him and after that 2hrs talked I finally decided that this thing is legit and we want to proceed.

  3. Nag decide ko nga magpa abort reason kay complicated kaayo ang situation namo sa father aning baby nasa akong tiyan and grabi na ako struggle sa life that i already have 3 kids at my age na 26 the best thing for me to do and decide is to do this🙏😢 Glad if found Project486 and super duper thankful that 100% gave my trust to them for how professional they are on handling you sa abortion journey and if you experience it to yourself malalaman mo how they are willing to help you solve your problem.

  4. Hello, I was browsing thru the web for possible reasons of having a change with my menstruation and I happen to see this website. I hope you see this and I messaged thru your email.

  5. Good day sir alex! Was browsing through safari for plan b and found a comment that led me here. I’ve already sent you an email sir and i hope you’ll see this one and respond.

  6. Hello good day sir alex! I stumbled upon this site and i badly need your help because i cannot juggle board exam and this. I hope you’ll able to see this and able to reply through mail sir.

  7. I contacted that same clinic recently and they told me to give my number so the nurse could contact me and explain. It felt so sketchy because of the way they talk to me so I didn’t give them my number. Thank God I found this site and read this because I am desperate right now and would have bitten back.

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