Mifepristone and Misoprostol helped a call center agent from Mindanao (Southern Philippines) deal with an unplanned pregnancy. She did it in secret, not even her live-in partner knew about it. Doing it alone is not really advisable. As much as possible, have someone to accompany you when you are doing the procedure.
February 12, 2017
Shaina, 30,
Customer Service Representative
Gen. Santos City, South Cotabato
Here’s my story:
Right Age but Not Ready Yet
I’m 30 years old by the way and yeah, I should be old enough to keep the baby but because of my shallow and selfish reason, I decided not to, though my partner and I are excited to have the baby.
My partner for four (4) yrs, is a good provider. I can’t say he’s good at parenting though and as of the moment he’s not financially stable.
On the other hand, his seven (7) year old daughter is a brat, treated like a baby and gets the attention she wants. I’m afraid if all of a sudden when the baby comes out she may get jealous and dislike the baby. Of course, I don’t want that to happen. I want her to be ready to be a “ate” (big sister) and make sure she’ll love and take care of her soon to be sibling.
Also, I was just starting my career and paying back my parents. I want everything to be polished before I start a family of my own.
Looking for Solutions Online
So as soon as I found out, I’m pregnant, I overdosed myself with Vitamin C. After a month, I took Vit C with the herbal Dong Quai but failed. I googled for other ways and found Maeann’s blog. I e-mailed her and she referred me to Alex and John, who have been there, before and after the procedure.
I was on my 8th week, supposedly my first baby, when I started the procedure, my partner didn’t know about this. No one knows, not one soul except for Alex and John.
Alone but Properly Guided
Alone, I did the procedure. I took the mifepristone capsules on days 1 and 2 (1 mife capsule a day). By day 3, 7am – vaginal misoprostol, 11am- buccal misoprostol and by 12 noon started the “labor” pain or the contractions.
Around 1-2pm the contraction is like every 5mins, so I expected it will come out soon. Around 3pm, expelled the POC or embryo. I had mixed emotions when I saw my baby, buo (fully-formed) na siya.
It took me a week battling with my emotions. I cried a lot but I’ve made this choice so I need to be strong. I told my partner I had a miscarriage and saw the sadness in his eyes. We buried the baby in a pot and planted a white bonsai bougainvillea. At least this way, I can still see my baby grow, somehow.

Flower photo created by rawpixel.com – www.freepik.com
Ladies who are reading this, pls make sure that there will be no more next time. 😭🤧😪 . Be responsible– practice safe sex. It’s better to be safe than sorry. I don’t want any Filipina or any woman experience what I had went through. More than the physical pain, the emotional pain can be too much to bear.
To Alex and John of Project 486 , thank you so much. I hope this will be our first and last meeting. I promise to be more responsible and not to be carried away too much by intimacy. I promise to be the voice of reason to both my partner and me.
xo, Shaina 😘
“I may not have carried you in my arms, but I carry you in my heart”