Abortion in Baguio: Graduating Psych Student is “forever grateful for the chance for a bright future” (entry # 111)

Hi, I’m PRJCT486-092722GP and today I want to share with you my journey
towards a safe abortion.

First day of last menstrual period (LMP) : August 29,2022

Expected date of menstruation: September 27,2022  (regular)

Date(s) of Procedure: Oct 6-8, 2022

Before we begin I want to share my background to
give light on as to why I needed to make the choice I made. I am a
graduating psych student who came from a poor family and my partner is a
fresh graduate still reviewing for his board examination and both of us
aren’t ready to be parents as of the moment.

I tested positive last September 27 after taking multiple pregnancy tests.

abortion clinic in baguio city

I was sad and angry and
looking for someone to blame because I thought my future was about to end.
I couldn’t bear to see the disappointment on my parents faces and it would
break my heart to tell them that I threw away years of hard earned money
because of a simple mistake. So I took it upon myself to look for a way out
and after hours and hours of constant searching on the internet I came
across Project 486.


There are a lot of sites and Facebook groups offering
to sell the drug so it was really hard to find someone I could trust,
especially with the amount needed for the procedure since we had no money
for a back up plan. What separated project 486 from the rest is that price
was not the first thing to be introduced. When acquiring their services
they had to verify first that you are a legitimate patient and after
confirming they will set a time for you to talk to one of their Doctors
available and for my case it was Doc John. Without a promise of pay, Doc
John immediately assessed my risk for the procedure, if I belong to certain
category of risks (high, moderate or low). After determine my category and
still without a promise of a profit, he continued to explain the procedure
and on the things needed to be prepared.

After all things were clarified and
all questions answered we went to the transaction. They were even kind
enough to offer discounts under certain conditions and for a student like
myself it was a huge help.

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proof of transaction

We received the drugs two days upon paying and
it was discreet packaging.

buy abortion pills in Baguio City
2 Mifepristone 200 mg (yellow and red capsules: new edition, same strength);  8 Misoprostol 800 mcg;   5 antihemorrhagic —————————————— see related study: BIOAVAILABILITY OF MIFEPRISTONE IN CAPSULE VS TABLET — https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18477493/ —This study suggests that the two formulations of mifepristone are bioequivalent. ——Bioavailability – The degree and rate at which a substance (as a drug) is absorbed into a living system or is made available at the site of physiological activity


Right from Day 1 to day 3 of the procedure sir
John was always available on call or through text to answer questions and
guide us in everything we were doing.

On day 1 I took the mifepristone as
instructed and I noticed that there was a small spotting. On day 2 nothing
much happened.

But on day three a couple of hours after vaginal insertion
of misoprostol the POC came out. We took pictures as instructed for proper
documentation and were sent to them.

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As of now I’m on the road to recovery
and I am thankful to Doc John and his team  for catering to my needs. I am
forever grateful for giving me a chance of a bright future and thank you
for giving every Filipina woman a safe choice for abortion.


here’s another story from Baguio City:


Baguio student who had successful procedure writes heartfelt appreciation letter to her Project 486 doctor

Former flight stewardess got pregnant and entangled in a problematic relationship with a married and financially unstable foreigner


24 comments on “Abortion in Baguio: Graduating Psych Student is “forever grateful for the chance for a bright future” (entry # 111)

  1. After testing positive sa Pregnancy test, I was lost that I couldn’t think straight, Then find the courage to find a solution(not a solution) but a chance for me to go on. I searched some things about Abortion , and found this site, I was not so sure about it at first, but as I’ve read the other stories, it enlightens me that I still really have the chance for a brighter future like what this Co-patient has written . So I emailed them, replied within a day, Sir Alex gave me my consultants number then consultation happened . They are very approachable . Thank you so much for understanding my situation also for giving discounts for a student like me ❤

    1. Hi, I’m also a student from Baguio City who had an unexpected pregnancy and honestly I don’t know what to do at first and abortion was never my option when I found out that I was pregnant and I was ready to face the consequences of my actions but then everything change in a blink of an eye when I found out that the father of my baby cut all ways of communications with me while having fun with his girls, I had mixed emotions that day and I wanted to die, I had no one to tell my stories because I was scared and so I spend the whole night everyday crying, I didn’t enter my classes and I was blank minded until one day I decided to abort the baby rather than letting him/her suffer in this world, I know that some might not agree with my decision but you cannot just save a life by letting it live and If abortion is illegal then a Father running away from his responsibility should be illegal as well. Luckily, I found Project 486, and I feel validated, but just like everyone else, I was also scared of getting scammed, but with their assurance and sincerity, they had my trust.

      1. I am also a student studying in Baguio. Recently, I didn’t have a regular period, so I had a pregnancy test two days ago with anxiety. I was in panic when I saw two lines coming out right away. After talking to my boyfriend, we decided to proceed with a medication abortion. There are many sellers selling medicine in the Philippines. While wondering who to trust, I found out about Project 486 and started consulting with Dr. John. Other sellers in facebook were only send me photos and prices of medicines. But, Dr. John asked me about my physical condition and the disease I originally had.
        I decided to purchase the medicine in Project 486 when Dr. john would keep in touch and help until I finish all of the process.

  2. I’m also a student in Baguio City and came across Project 486 when I was searching for options of Abortion in Baguio when I realized I had conceived. I’m only a college student and I couldn’t beat to pause m studies fo an early family. The website provided proof and experiences and I was really convinced and contacted them. Slowly, my trust was being built and I’m even more convinced to rely on them and here I am now.

  3. I am also a student who had unexpected pregnancy at first I was feeling mixed emotions when I found out that there is something growing inside me, so I started looking for abortion hospitals then I saw prjct486 . It is really hard decising between keeping it or letting it go but thinking about it, it’s better to let it go most especially that I’m still a student and not financially stable to support the pregnancy and I’m not yet ready to become a mother. At first I was doubting it but then as stated on the article instead of sending the amount of their products first. They ensured the patients body conditions and all which mad me slowly trust them.

  4. When I found out I was pregnant I feel scared. I start searching on how to get rid of it, then I found this Project486 and I read some of the experiences of ladies who have same situation like me who are not yet ready to have a baby. I emailed project486 and they respond immediately they gave me one of thier consultant Sir John who is very patient answering all the questions and doubts of this process.

  5. When I found out that I was pregnant I immediately thought that I won’t be able to take care of a child, financially and mentally and was not ready to take this big kind of a responsibility that’s why I started to search for an abortion clinics/hospitals that I could find here in Baguio until I came across the project486 on the internet and I have read that they were able to help a lot of women who needed their assistance that’s why I immediately trusted and believed that they will be able to help me too. They will provide proper consultations and specific steps on how the procedure works and expectations, if you were able to follow all the instructions properly, I can see that they really care about their patients and would do their very best in order to provide proper care and good results. I’m happy and grateful that I came across ths project486.

  6. I know I’m not ready to become a parent because I’m still struggling to stand on my own feet. Additionally, so is my partner. I want to give back to my parents first and help with my siblings’ studies before having a family. I made up my mind because I don’t want to blame the child ruining my future, just in case I would continue with this.

    1. I know I wasn’t mentally and financially ready to have a baby, it was an unexpected pregnancy and I was afraid of the consequences that I made especially if my family and close friends will know it. I still have other plans and I felt like I wasn’t ready to raise a child. When I found out I got pregnant I searched on ways to have safe abortions and then I came across project 486, I read similar experiences from other women and was convinced to contact them. They responded to me immediately and ensured me of the steps and procedures I should make.

  7. I made it again accidentally. I thought it was safe and okay though it’s not yet. I told my partner to use protection before we had intercourse though he was too drunk. And had me pregnant, I told him about my pregnancy but he said it’s not from him. I couldn’t tell my parents since we were only poor and cannot fully support the child if I chose to keep it. I’m also not confident that I could give the child a bright future because I can’t even take care of my own bills. Then I remembered project486 and asked for help even if I’m too ashamed to seek help once again.

  8. Knowing that I am pregnant, I am absolutely surprised. I have mixed emotions, but the number one thing I felt was fear. I knew from the start that I was not ready and that am completely lost. On the other hand, my boyfriend is very supportive of my decision. We are both capable of raising a child, but the thing is, are we ready to have a family! We both answered no. We tried to get some abortion pills from some online sellers. We did take the process, but it failed. My boyfriend and I continued to search for some possible ways to end this pregnancy, and we found out about PROJECT486. We immediately emailed and asked them for help and what we should do and we ate thankful that they are very accommodating and helpful.

  9. I’m a student who had unexpected pregnancy , when I try to have my Pt its positive so for that time I was shock , I don’t know what I’m going to do ,I lay down on the bed starting crying , thinking what i’m going to do so I browse on internet searching abortion medicine ,clinic , hospital ,while i’m browsing i see the one comment that she is suggesting project486 , so i email project 486 so thankful they respond . It’s hard too choose if i keep or end this pregnancy but suddenly i think all the consequences if i will go on for this pregnancy , First of all I’m not physically, emotionally, mentally, financially ready to become a mother, I’m still a student ,I don’t want again to dissappoint my aunty who is helping me financially in my study, and i want to pursue first my goalbin life before those thing. So for that I started to email project486 to seek for help ,so thankful they respond me and started to give advice on me ,so i trust them for this journey .

  10. Hiiii! I am patient PRJCT486-101323Ta.
    I learned about my pregnancy early this time, and the fear of disappointing my parents for the second time sent shivers down my spine. I shared the news with my partner, and we were both initially happy, but we had previously promised our families not to have a second child just yet. We had lengthy discussions about what to do. We searched for clinics nearby and even contacted online sellers to inquire about our options.
    During our search, I came across a comment mentioning Project-486, an organization that had helped someone through the entire procedure. The comment highlighted the organization’s genuine intentions to support women, despite the risks to their professions. Intrigued by this, I reached out to them via email and received a reply the same day.

    It took me about a week to respond again because I wanted to confirm my pregnancy. Besides taking a home pregnancy test, I also had a serum test done. After providing them with all the necessary information, I was assigned a doctor consultant. Our conversation with the doctor was enlightening, and he shared valuable insights. His words have given me the strength to make this difficult decision.
    The decision to choose abortion is one that I make with a heavy heart but also with a profound sense of responsibility. I genuinely want the best for my child, and I believe that postponing parenthood until we are better prepared is the responsible choice.

  11. I’m also a student in Baguio City. I havent been feeling well for a few weeks and that’s when I decided to have a pregnancy test and that’s when I knew that I was pregnant. I am willing to take responsibility for the things that I did but it is still not the right time for me to have a baby. That’s why I’ve searched a lot about abortion and then I saw lots of people recommending project 486. With that, I then decided to give it a try and I am very thankful because they are very kind

  12. I am also a fresh grad student and currently working here in Baguio. My period was a month late so my partner and I bought the pregnancy test and it came out positive. Although we both have finished our degree and now working, we are not still ready yet financially, physically, and mentally to be parents so we’ve decided to take abortion. My partner helped me to find a safe procedure to do it and he found Project486.
    We are so glad that we have found very supporting team and guiding us well with the procedure.

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