Abortion in Pampanga: Despite her low tolerance for pain, working student had a successful procedure (entry# 117)

Abortion in Pampanga

Hi, this is Jill. First of all, I want to thank Sir/Maam Alex and Sir John for
assisting me and with the guidance they had given to me. Sorry if this
testimony is going to be a long story but I just want to make it detailed..



After a week of missing my period, I am already nervous because my
boyfriend and I had an unprotected sex two days after my last day of
period. I didn’t conclude anything yet at that moment because there were
previous time that it happened to me and still got my period 2-3 days after
the predicted period dates. I talked to one of my friends and she suggested
taking the pregnancy test so that I’ll have my peace of mind. Right after
our conversation, I asked for my boyfriend to come with me to buy the PT.
It was Monday morning when I took the test and I could not explain the
feeling I had that moment. It only took within 5-10 seconds and the two
lines quickly appeared. From that moment, it became apparent to me why I am
having huge changes in my body.

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I felt empty within but there’s a hint of happiness. I told myself that it
is also my boyfriend’s right to know about this. I waited for him to wake
up before telling the results. Both of us stared blankly at the ceiling,
not being able to talk about it because we have no idea what to do next. I
am trying to suppress my feelings but I eventually cried my heart out. I
know this is unfair for my boyfriend, knowing that he’s very kind and I can
feel that he likes to continue with this, and to our little angel but I
know and there is nothing to deny that we cannot push through with this
yet. We cannot give the life that our little angel deserve, both of us are
mentally and financially unstable. We still have obligations to fulfill.

Knowing our situation, our income is not enough to finance a family nor a
baby. Just the idea of leaving our baby into someone else’s care so that we
will be able to go to work, or seeing all of us struggling to have some
food already disappoints me. I really feel sad because I know that I want
to have children in the future but now is not the right time. Nevertheless,
our little angel is going to be our greatest blessing still. I couldn’t
deny the fact that we are the ones to blame for being impulsive and



After finding out I was pregnant, we’ve discussed about our next step.
Although it is still vague, I don’t have the courage to say it straight to
the point to my boyfriend that we cannot continue this. I only said that
I’ll look for “other options” and I am glad that he gave me all of his
support though he’s in doubt.

On that same day, I quickly search through the internet and looked for
clinics. I’ve seen a lot of women seeking for help but less to none help
was given. I am just lucky to see a comment from an anonymous user and
he/she suggested this organization. Of course, like the others, I had
doubts. I’m afraid of being scammed because I know that this process really
costs. I read some reflections first and observed the other testimonies.
After that, I took my chance to send an email and luckily, I received a
response later that evening.

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The following day, I had the consultation with Sir John. It was a long
conversation but very helpful and made me at ease with the situation that I
have. Sir John is like a father and a professor. Our conversation made me
comfortable to trust them. Just knowing that there is someone out there
willing to help women like me is already a relief. I followed all the
requirements and advisements. The only part where I got scared was the
strict timetable. I doubted myself if I can do it because the thing I hate
about myself is my low pain tolerance.



After receiving the meds, it took me two or three days before doing the

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2 Mifepristone 200 mg (yellow -red capsules: new edition, same strength); 6 Misoprostol 800 mcg; 5 antihemorrhagic —————————————— see related study: BIOAVAILABILITY OF MIFEPRISTONE IN CAPSULE VS TABLET — https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18477493/ —This study suggests that the two formulations of mifepristone are bioequivalent. ——Bioavailability – The degree and rate at which a substance (as a drug) is absorbed into a living system or is made available at the site of physiological activity

After getting my timetable, I set my alarms quickly making sure
I’ll be able to follow the instructions and take the meds on time. I prayed
first and talked to our little angel. The first night I drank the medicine,
it was just the usual thing. However, when morning came, I am having a
little discomfort which I normally feel when I’m about to have my period. I
took an Ibuprofen with Sir John’s approval because I have low pain
tolerance. The second intake of Mifepristone, I need to control myself from
eating or drinking. It was so hard for me because I’m already at this point
where I crave a lot and always feel hungry. I felt so weak that time.

The time came for the Misoprostol. I was so so nervous. My boyfriend helped
me insert the tablets to my V. We just encountered minor struggle. After
that I followed the pillow maneuver. At this moment, Sir John gave me
comforting words. I am very opened to him that I wanted to cry at that

Few hours later of inserting the misoprostol, I already had cramps. It’s is
more intense compared to the cramps I’ve ever experienced. It was the worst
8 hours of my life. I wanted to cry, to move, to ask for help. All of it.
But this is my fault, I put myself in this situation. I am just thankful
that my boyfriend took care of me and Sir John was there to uplift me to
bear the pain.

(Note: I have very low pain tolerance and this may vary depending to
others) At 9:45PM, I felt an intense pain. Like there’s something that
wants to flow out of my V. I have to hold to my boyfriend’s hand. He didn’t
sleep as well. I even texted Sir John that I could no longer take the pain.
I watched a lot of videos trying to divert my attention and eventually it
subside when near 11PM came. After the go signal at 12MN, I went to our cr
to change my diapers and pee. I know that there’s nothing yet coming out
but the moment I peed, there’s the gush of blood that came out. It’s kinda
huge and there I saw an embryo same with the others, the tissue covered
with blood.

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embryo at 7-7.4 weeks aog

I am trembling. Don’t know where to start. I took pictures
immediately and sent it to Sir Alex. Sir John asked me some questions and
finally announced that I’m no longer pregnant. After the go signal to clean
it up, I put our little angel inside a tiny box and sealed it properly.


To our little angel, we are very sorry. We hope you’d understand why we
chose to do this. We are not bad people. As I believe that a child only
deserves the best of love and support which we cannot provide as of the
moment. We will always remember you. At some point, we felt happy knowing
that you are the result of our genuine feelings to each other. This is
something that we are not proud of and this will serve as a lesson to us.

To my fellow women out there, you are not alone. Just read the testimonies
here of the other women with success stories and I’m one of them. Sir Alex
and Sir John knows what they do and willing to extend their helps for us.
It’s comforting to know that we are not alone in this battle and there are
people who’s willing to help and guide us through. Project 486, we will
always be grateful. My boyfriend and I promised to ourselves that this is
going to be the first and last time we will do this.

Here are stories of abortion from Pampanga

Pampanga working student feared getting scammed until article about underground pro-choice doctors led her to Project 486

8 comments on “Abortion in Pampanga: Despite her low tolerance for pain, working student had a successful procedure (entry# 117)

  1. Hi I’m a past patient of prjct486. I don’t remember how many times they helped me with my situation, probably 3 or 4 times, not sure. But everytime I reach them they are always their to assist and attend with my problem. You may bash or judge me knowing that I had it many times but as a mom of 3 and 1 of them has special needs I had to do what I think is best not only for me but for the family. And I’m thankful that project486 is there to help me. They will assist you in anyway they could and will help you throughout.

    1. This is my first time doing this..but I have to be firm with my decision to end this pregnancy for a very complicated situation in the family..
      I am just so thankful and grateful that I found out this website and the people behind this..there are so much time wasted but still I did not lose hope..for me, project486 is already the answer to end the burden I have until this time..

  2. To be honest, I am also a student in Pampanga and my boyfriend got me pregnant. I had to abort our baby because we still havent accomplished our dreams. My boyfriend panicked and finally found your website.

  3. hello! i sent a reply on your “follow up” email. however, it seems that it wont properly send.

    this was the automatic reply to me by the system:

    This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

    A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
    recipients. This is a permanent error.

    1. hello, try sending smaller size pictures of your PT or you can take a screenshot of your PT pictures then attach those screenshots to your email message. Our mail server sometimes filters out media with big file size.

  4. hi, i am zari a 3rd year student, my boyfriend and i didn’t use protection because i think that he is infertile, last year he always releases his semen inside me, but nothing happens so we expected that he is “baog” but this month, i am 2 weeks delayed, so i decided to take a pregnancy test and it turns out positive, i know it’s our fault because we let our guard down to not use protection. so here i am seeking help to project486 and thankfully, Sir John is here to enlighten me about abortion and taking medicines. he organizes my timetable which is very convenient not just for me but for all of us (for sure). I am thankful because they help me in this kind of hardship in my life.

    ps. use protection please ;))

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