Abortion in Rizal: Couple not convinced with meds without proper packaging (no label, no blister pack, just ziplock) (Entry# 118)

Abortion in Rizal Light at the end of the tunnel Dear Alex and Sir John Good day! First of all, I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to both of you. You really give me and my girlfriend “the light at the end of the tunnel”. Our decision to end her pregnancy so far […]

Abortion in Quezon City: I thought I was ready to have a baby…I was wrong (entry# 116)

Abortion in Quezon City Hello po sir. It took me few weeks to calm my thoughts and find words to meaningfully reflect to what happened to me last month. Here is my reflection and I gave you the whole consent to post this in your page as long as my personal information can be kept […]

Abortion in San Juan Metro Manila: 7 years of no protection finally resulted to pregnancy but she just got promoted (entry # 115)

Abortion in the City of San Juan Metro Manila Greetings Sir Alex and Team, I hope all of you are doing well and is continuing to help those who are in need. Please hide my identity. It took me a while to write my story as I was still recovering while continuing with work. Actually, […]

Abortion in Iloilo: Stay-at-home mom with 2 kids and between-jobs husband still needs to recover from pandemic financial woes (entry # 113)

Abortion in Iloilo Sorry for the delay of my story. But here it is.   Pandemic woes and pregnancy I was a stay at home mom with 2 children, and still recovering with all the financial difficulties due to pandemic, my partner is still looking for a stable job, and this year just as we […]

Abortion in Baguio: Graduating Psych Student is “forever grateful for the chance for a bright future” (entry # 111)

Hi, I’m PRJCT486-092722GP and today I want to share with you my journey towards a safe abortion. First day of last menstrual period (LMP) : August 29,2022 Expected date of menstruation: September 27,2022  (regular) Date(s) of Procedure: Oct 6-8, 2022 Before we begin I want to share my background to give light on as to […]

Abortion in Cebu: Patient at risk of pregnancy complications needed to terminate it early (entry # 108)

Abortion in Cebu, a “heartbreaking success” First day of last menstrual period (LMP): July 24, 2022 First day of missed period: Aug 17, 2022 Date (s) of Medical abortion procedure: Sep 15-17, 2022   It was a heartbreaking success. Hi Im Jennie from Cebu. I just want to share my story. The day I knew […]

Abortion in Pangasinan: Successful medical abortion changed the life of a 19 year-old student (entry #101)

Abortion in Pangasinan Patient’s name: Mia First day of Last Menstruation: June 21, 2022 First day of missed period: July 21, 2022 Date (s) of Medical Abortion Procedure: Aug 2-4, 2022   I don’t want to burden my parents It took me some time to write this testimony. I’m Mia, 19, a college student who […]

Abortion in Pampanga: Stories of past patients made them trust Project 486 (entry # 100)

Abortion in Pampanga Patient’s name: LC age:  25 years old occupation:  working student first day of last menstruation: May 15, 2022 date(s) of the procedure: July  6-8, 2022 — Afraid of getting scammed I never thought na we would get this through. I just had the procedure yesterday and im still healing. Just want to […]