Abortion Clinic in Cebu City: This is my body, shouldn’t I have a say in what goes on..and correct mistakes I’ve made while I still can? ( entry# 118)

Abortion Clinic, Abortion Pills in Cebu City

Warning! : Abortion pill scams abound in Cebu. Don’t be a victim. 

More stories: Metro Manila    Pampanga  Bicol  Cagayan de Oro  Davao

More stories of Project 486 patients (medical abortion) from Cebu (click here)

Latest story of Cebu abortion patient Feb 28 2025 written in Cebuano/Bisaya dialect/language



A Project 486 patient  (click here & see story #2) proved she is indeed from Cebu City by sending a short video clip of her hand holding her patient code in front of  a famous city landmark, the Plaza Independencia




Hi Sir Alex, Sir John,

Sending my reflection po. I’ve finally gotten the time to write during this
hectic holiday season. I hope you all have a good and restful Christmas
holidays and New Year.

Best regards,
Mina, patient PRJCT486-112822PS


— start —-

Correct my mistakes while I still can

While I am of age and can support myself, to have a child in the near
future was definitely not in the plan and I am fully aware that I cannot
support it financially, mentally, and emotionally. I didn’t want a child
now and my partner isn’t also excited about becoming a father.

That’s why when I’ve been delayed for over a week, I start to get worried
that something is amiss. At first I thought it was just because I got
really sick during the second week of my cycle, but I had a nagging feeling
that told me to keep checking since I have always been aware of my cycle
and it has always been regular (almost exact number of days every time).
Plus, as much as I’d like to believe I know my fertile days, I have still
done the deed unprotected.

abortion in Cebu City

abortion clinic in mandaue cebu

When I got that faint second line on the test, I felt like my life was
crumbling before me. I could barely sleep that day. I kept thinking about
how things would change like a whirlwind if I needed to bring this to term,
but then I also felt the determination that I wouldn’t allow this unplanned
pregnancy to change my life so drastically. This is my body, shouldn’t I
have a say in what goes on? Shouldn’t I also be allowed to correct mistakes
I’ve made while I still can?


With a little help from an online friend

With that in mind, I turned online to seek advice and help. I read forums
and many articles about my options, and posted questions hoping anyone
would answer me. Someone (and I am very very grateful for her) reached out
to me about Project486 and shared her experience. She asked me to consider
them as an option for what I was planning to do. I decided to give it a
shot and send an email to Project 486 as well, initially just to see if all
she said had some truth to it. I’ve heard of many scams and bogus sellers
and procedures when it comes to the pills needed for an MA especially since
it isn’t allowed in the Philippines, and I really wanted to do it with a
group that could give me the correct pills and procedure.

abortion clinic in cebu

After reaching out through email and getting to consult, my trust in
Project 486 started to build. I felt empowered being given the information I
needed to make my decision (I also verified the information with other reputable
online sources). I had a second consultation and my decision was set to
trust Project 486 and proceed.

abortion doctors in cebu

Just follow instructions and nothing could go wrong

When the time came to do the MA, I was so anxious and fearful of the things
that could go wrong but Sir John informed me of everything I needed to
prepare and reassured me that as long as I follow instructions, it will be

abortion pills for sale in lapu lapu cebu
Patients are required to take pictures of the meds once they open the package. Mifepristone may either come in tablet or capsule form. Capsule form of the mifepristone from Project 486 may either come in these 2 colors : metallic gold or yellow-red (see other patient stories) ________ Here is a related study: BIOAVAILABILITY OF MIFEPRISTONE IN CAPSULE VS TABLET — https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18477493/ —This study suggests that the two formulations of mifepristone are bioequivalent (same efficacy) . ——Bioavailability – The degree and rate at which a substance (as a drug) is absorbed into a living system or is made available at the site of physiological activity


I admit that I was shaking when it was time to take the first mife
pill. I was hurting for having to do this and years of being told to do
this was wrong came at me full force. Thankfully, day 1 and 2 went by
smoothly, with Sir John reminding me of the things I needed to do.

When the big day (day 3 – miso day) arrived, my partner and I were very
thankful for the guidance of Project 486. Sir John was there every step of
the way, even just to remind me to take the glass of water as scheduled. He
answered all my questions and continued to reassure me, telling me to relax
and keep my mind out of it so I could keep my anxiety down. When day 3 was
done and it was time to stand up, I passed some clots and bled a lot. I did
the documentation and waited for them to assess and let me know if I was

That clearance didn’t arrive as soon as I had hoped. Even after the clots
passed that day, the POC still couldn’t be found.

abortion clinic in cebu city

At this point I was getting so worried. What if it failed? What if it was incomplete? Sir John
assured me that there is still enough time to wait for my body to release
the POC. True enough, after a long wait and after many
instances of checking the clots that came out and even discussing
possibilities and options should it be an incomplete procedure, my body
finally released the POC.

<Majority of our patients, (70-80 %) expel their POC within 12 hrs after the 2nd interval of the misoprostol  intake; 20-30% do so within 13-120hrs like the patient in this story ( too much anxiety can delay it, assigned consultants point this out during consultations)   .  About 2-5% pass their POC even with just taking Mifepristone alone , without taking Misoprostol yet (click to see related story) >

abortion clinic cebu

abortion clinic in mandaue cebu

abortion pills clinic in cebu city

So much weight is lifted off my shoulders

I felt like so much weight was lifted off my shoulders when I got the text
from Sir John saying that they were now certain I was NOT pregnant. It felt
like a mistake was successfully corrected. No one else will be dragged into
this accident, especially not an innocent being who deserves far more than
what I can provide. From the very start, I have felt that it would be
unfair to this being that I would bring it into this world when it cannot
even be given a family and willing parents. Every child deserves a family
that is whole and responsible, capable adults as parents.

Overall, I feel very lucky and grateful to have found Project 486 and to
have undergone this procedure safely with their consistent guidance. I
really couldn’t have asked for a more hands-on provider for this procedure.
Yes, it has left scars and a lot of healing is still needed, but at least
now I can move forward knowing the procedure is done. This was such a
costly lesson to learn, but I will forever keep it.

To anyone who will need the same help, please do consider Project 486. The
most important part in pushing through with an MA is having the right meds
and provider to guide you, and if my experience was anything to go by,
Project 486 will surely be able to help. You’ve just got to give them a

To sir John, sir Alex, and Project 486, you give women like me access to a
side of healthcare this country refuses to give. You give us hope and
second chances without judgement or ulterior motives, and you are there for
us when we need your help the most. Thank you so much for all that you do.
I wish Project 486 all the best.


—- end —-


And so where is the ” abortion clinic in Cebu ” as the title suggests?

Many may find  the title of this blog post misleading but it isn’t. It was intentionally given that title because most women esp from Cebu use the keyword “abortion clinic in Cebu” when desperately looking for help over the internet. This oftentimes result to them being victims of online scammers. So, we here at project 486 would want to tell women from Cebu and the whole Philippines (and the world) that in the first trimester, the only “abortion clinic” you need when you are living/residing in a very restrictive country  is the combination of right medicines,  genuine assistance and a little bit of bravery  to steer the course of your own future as shown by patient in the story above.

Here are other stories (11 stories) of patients from Cebu

11 stories of Project 486 patients (medical abortion) from Cebu Philippines


The story below is about  one of the more recent patients of Project 486 from Cebu, Philippines:


Abortion in Cebu: BPO agent thanks caring strangers for successful medical abortion


Nervous, shock and afraid

This is JULIE. At the first month that I was delayed, I thought it was just normal delay, that I will have my menstruation sooner or later. I should have my menstruation on Dec 8, 2022, but there’s none. In the 2nd week of December, I took a PT and it was negative, I was relieved until January came. This time I am doubtful if I’m pregnant, I took PT on Jan 6 and this time it was positive.

abortion clinic in Cebu City

I was nervous, shock and afraid knowing I can’t support this child. The worst idea came into my mind, my last option. I searched in the internet how to abort the child, still afraid because I know in myself this would be a very selfish act. I found PROJECT486 site and immediately emailed them for help. I sent my PT result and some of the details of my pregnancy.


They were responsive and handed some questions and instructions about the procedure. They also conducted a phone interview to assess the patient (which is me). You would know they are legit because they care about the safety of the patients, they background check their health and any hereditary issues that might affect the procedure, they know what they are doing, they can answer your questions about the procedure.


Genuine and expert guidance

Fast forward, they sent me the medicines, but it took me awhile to do the procedure.

abortion clinic in Cebu
The new edition of Mifepristone from Project 486 comes in yellow-red capsules. Here is a related study that proves the equal efficacy of Mifepristone CAPSULE and Mifepristone TABLET — https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18477493/

They gave me the timetable on when to drink the medicines and what to do and not to do during the procedure. The timetable generally comprises a 3 day schedule. The fasting part was very difficult for me, no food no water. And the 3rd day, for me was the also a crucial part. On the 3rd day, I cant have food or water for 8 hours, but they have a specific time to drink water a cup of water. I cant also stand, turn sidewards or make any movements while doing the pillow maneuver. I watched kdrama so I can forget the pain, but it is really painful. While doing the procedure on day 3, I was really starving ang thirsty, the worst was the fact that I was alone while doing all of those things. I wanted to cry when I was about to drink the cup of water, because I can’t sit or stand. I was hopeless at that time, but later on I managed.


When the time comes that I can now sit and stand, I felt very tired and that something needs to come out from me. It felt like having an LBM, my stomach aches and I fainted in the CR. I can feel the sweat on my shoulders, arms and in my face. I defecate in the toilet even though Sir John told me not to, but my hands are under my vagina just in case the POC comes out, and something really came out but it was all blood clots.

I rested for a while, I was very tired, and it seems like I would collapse after I defecate. But then another thing came out, this time I did it in arinola. I thought it was all blood clots again, but to my surprise I was something with a flesh inside. I took a photo and send it to Sir John.

abortion clinic in Cebu

While waiting for their response, I immediately ordered food in food panda while I still have energy and later on ate my dinner.

When Sir John confirmed that it was the POC and I am officially NOT pregnant, I was relieved but at the same time felt guilty. I don’t know what to react, how to respond to his text. I really felt the guilt and just cried it out in my bed, until I fell asleep.

Sir John also gave me post procedures instructions which are also for my safety. They would really care for their patients and really give their word on being there until the end. I thank them for guiding me and for being my helping hand in this procedure.


My big thanks to PROJECT 486 !



More stories of Project 486 patients (medical abortion) from Cebu (click here)

Latest entry Aug 2024: Cebu young professional from  miserable family background decides to be child-free

124 comments on “Abortion Clinic in Cebu City: This is my body, shouldn’t I have a say in what goes on..and correct mistakes I’ve made while I still can? ( entry# 118)

  1. Good day, I have sent an email this morning. I am hoping that you would notice this message and my email. I badly need your help and response. Please Help Me.

    1. Good day! I have sent an email for an assistance about my current situation. I hope anyone of you will notice and respond to my email. Thank you!

      1. It’s my second time here ni project 486. All I can say is that I am very thankfull for your help and assistance to me. Ganun pa din yung procedure, it’s very easy, effective and safe.

        For the second time you saved me project 486!
        To Sir John, thank you so much!

        Again, thank you and goodluck!

      2. I am Angel, I have reached out to Project486 before and they helped me get out from a bad situation. I didn’t expect myself to be back here and ask for Dr. John and Sir Alex’s help again. However, I have to because I’m in the peak of my career and they are the best people I know who I can trust and help me get through this.

      3. I am shock after knowing that I’m pregnant. My youngest child is only 1 year old and I know I can’t take care another baby because I am not in fit, I have anxiety and postpartum depression. I don’t have work and I’m broke and a lot of problems. I decided to find in the internet that can help me. And I found out a lot of reviews in this site Project486.

  2. Good day. I need assistance about the current situation I’m in. I was actually one of your patient before and here I am again this time hoping to get assistance. I hope that you would notice the email I have sent. Thank you!

      1. Good day! I send an email for assistance. I’m from cebu and I really need help. I hope you that you would notice the email I have sent. Thank you!

      2. Sir ive already responded to your email. Also sent the details and my contact info. Im hoping i get a call or text from you.

    1. Hello po Sir! I’ve sent an email regarding this po. I may not be one of your old patient po but I am desperate to ask for help and assistance. I hope you can help me through this po. Thank you!

        1. I was really down due to the unexpected pregnancy and about our board exam, i cannot juggle being pregnant and studying for the boards. and i came across this site and this made me think that i can still give this a second chance soon. I choose project486 since there are a lot of testimony of how successful the procedure is.

  3. Hi, I am Jah. The moment I found out I was pregnant feels like my world turned upside down. I know it is a blessing but the fact that I am still not at the right age to get pregnant and my parents would be really disappointed that really made feel afraid of what might gonna happen. For the first few days after I found, I was not at myself at all, I was so empty, I didn’t know what to do. Then I finally decided that I had to look for a way on how I can get abortion pills. I searched everywhere online for abortion pills but I was not really convinced that those were legits so I didn’t really buy anything. As I continue searching online I came across the project486 website out of my curiosity I read some articles that I could see and that’s when I knew that I have found the right people who can really help me with my problem. I couldn’t be any more thankful for all the help I got with project486 specially with sir Jhon who was my consultant.

    1. Hello, by the way this is Mitchy. I’m actually a repeat patient. When I found out that I got pregnant I knew in myself that I’ll be needing project486 again. Since my first procedure with this organization I trust no one but only these people when it comes to abortion pills and procedures. They are really always there to help you without judgement. I am very thankful to everyone from this organization. All the best for all of you!

  4. I am a mother of a pre-schooler child and raising her is not a piece of cake esp. if I lack a support system. Accidentally, I got pregnant again. 4 weeks or less I am not sure. Pls. don’t judge me, I thought we did what we used to be doing not to conceive. I wanted to keep this but I I’m already struggling with my kid and I wanted to guve her a chance to have a better life. I know this is not an excuse and I am really sorry for my decision made.
    I came across the Project486 website and I am so thankful, when I had my “free consultation” with sir John, it gives me “hope”.
    I knew right then that Project486 is very legit and safe. They will accomodate ypu and guide you all throughout the process.

  5. Good day, I have sent and email to your email address, thank you very much and I hope to have a response as soon as possible.

    1. check both your inbox and spam for my replies. Give special attention to the message with the subject “Project 486”

    2. I am a fresh grad starting my career when I found out I’m pregnant. I knew that I had to terminate this pregnancy for I am not yet ready. I trust project 486 to assist me in this procedure because I know that they can help me go through this process successfully.

      1. I choose project486 to assist is me because I felt safe and in good hands already after all they give in effort to explain all about the medicines, risks and percentage of the effectiveness which I did not experience previously in buying from online sellers twice that did not provide me the accurate medicine for complete termination.

  6. Hi Sir! Sent an email po to you today titled “NEED HELP ASAP.” I know you’re probably busy helping us all at once, but I really hope you notice it po. Thank you so much!

  7. Hi! I’m not sure if my email and comment went through, but I hope you could help me. If there is anything more I could do on my part to speed up the process, tell me lang po. Thank you so much!

    1. I sent you 3 replies, Ms. Cee. Pay special attention to my 3rd email with the subject “Project 486”. Follow the instructions in that message.

  8. I got separated from my husband for a while now but not legally and
    still fighting over my child’s custody. I’m in a new relationship now
    and I didn’t know I’m bearing a child until it reached 9 weeks. I know
    I needed to find a way to terminate it since anytime it can be used
    against me and my ex might bring it to court just to get my child’s

      1. Glad I was able to find a community that I could trust. I was anxious when I found out, I’m firm w my decision but my only concern was my health. I know I couldn’t do it alone. Especially without proper knowledge regarding this matter. Thankfully, the consultant explained it to me very well. He made me feel safe which helped a lot because it eased the fear. That’s when I knew I’m gonna be okay – that I could trust project 486. It’s hard, but I will never regret choosing myself. My dreams. I’m lucky that I was able to find or have this kind of access. It’s sad how this country sees abortion as a crime. Women should be able to choose on what to do with their bodies. Women should have the option to choose themselves. Abortion is healthcare.

      1. I already lose hope with my problem which placed me at lowest point of my life due to multiple times that i was scammed through purchasing abortion pills online but eventually failed. But suddenly i was routed to project486 site online so i read all the stories posted and it gives me hope to solve my problem. I reached out Project486 and spoke with Doc John as my consultant which provides me a lot of information and provide safety and security in doing the procedure. I definitely grab the opportunity with the help of trusted people to made it sucess until the very end.

        Project486 is truthfully legit and reliable.

      2. Ganahan ko na masuccessful na akoang procedure puhon. Salamat sa Project 486 na usa sa makatapatabang sa akong problema. Hinaot unta daghan pamo matabangan na kabayin-an diris Pilipinas.

  9. Good day! I’ve been positive in 4 pregnancy tests. I am not ready and this pregnancy isn’t planned. I am 20 years old. I do not have the capability and resources to actually bring a life to this world. If you could help me, please I will patiently wait for your reply. In Tacloban area. Thank you. 

  10. I really need Project 486’s help as me and my partner aren’t ready for the responsibilities that comes along with having a child. I’ve seen Project 486 on google and at first i was hesitant but as i was reading through their page, i gained more trust. During the consultation, sir John told me about mife and prior to the call, i already paid a down payment to the other source that i found, when i saw the mife photo, it was fake. I felt so down. Which pushed me even more to trust Project 486. I hope all the worries will end soon.

  11. I’ve been feeling the signs that I’m pregnant again and I know that I can’t do this over again for so many reasons. So it came out positive at naghanap agad ako ng paraan. I found this site and I’m so glad Sir John assisted me right away kahit na madaling araw na. Pagkausap ko plang s kanya I feel like I am in the right hands. Yong feeling na hindi ka lng nagiisa at alam mong tutulungan ka hanggang s huli.

  12. My partner and I reached out to Project 486 as we’ve seen from the website and shared blog posts from others who had a similar experience that Sir John and Sir Alex really gave their time and guidance in order for a successful procedure which made us feel safe and secure. I am already approaching 4 weeks and I am not yet ready as I am still young and haven’t finished school. So I put my faith and trust in Sir John and Sir Alex that they will help us till the very end.

  13. I already have kids, and having another one was not part of our plan due to my work. So I and my husband looked for someone who can help us with our situation until a friend of ours introduced project 486. At first I had doubts, but when I read the stories of those struggling women like me, I came to realize that I am in good hands. Moreover, after the conversation with Sir John together with Sir Alex, I am very positive that my problem will be give a solution. I am hopeful that they will guide me until it’s done.

  14. Hi, I’m Janaya and I’m one of the women who chose the most heartbreaking
    yet practical and safest way to terminate unwanted pregnancy.
    The reason behind of my decision to terminate my supposedly second baby
    is because the conception was unplanned. I’m a mom of a 3 year old
    little boy and I know how difficult it is to take care of a child. The
    responsibilities and sacrifices are overwhelming and sometimes
    depressing. I had to sacrifice my personal dreams for my kid. Every
    decision I had to make is always depending on what’s best for my child.
    I’m quite delayed in life in terms of the success in my career, and it’s
    breaking my heart to see my batchmates from highschool and college
    having the best time of their lives, growing in their careers,
    travelling, fullfiling their dreams without hindrances while me, being
    left behind, baby sitting.
    I made a promise to myself that I will build my career again and this
    time I will do it with the purpose to make a better life for my son, it
    took 3 years for me to accept that I am a mom now. I Planned to get back
    on my feet and catch up with my dreams and unfortunately
    made a mistake once more, I found out I was 4 weeks pregnant-again, And
    finding out the news seems like my dreams shattered before my eyes, all I
    have planned for me and my son.
    I was angry, confused, devastated and desperate to solve the problem as
    soon as possible. I tried to reconsider my decision on terminating a
    precious life but sadly I find this little one unfit to my future with
    my son and a threat to my dreams.
    How I discovered project 486?
    I was so desperate in searching for abortion clinic here in Cebu city.
    I’ve contacted the contact number of clinics listed in Google that I
    thought was offering or performing abortion.
    They responded as quick as lightning, very eager to make a transaction
    with me.
    I had a strong feeling that I was about to be scammed so I, again,
    Googled about abortion scammers and fake abortion pills. Did a lot of
    research about women being scammed until I came across a comment from a
    netizen sharing her experience being scammed by fake transactions. She
    left a link of a website where she found her hope to solve her problem
    and that is project 486.com. So I checked the website and I saw and read
    the content of the blogs. I read the testimonies of women all over
    Philippines who trusted project 486 and went through the procedures and
    results were successful.
    I reached out to project 486 via email and they’ve responded and
    accommodated me.
    I was assigned to a consultant named John
    and he was gracious enough to educate me of the health and safety of the
    procedures, proper intake of the medicines and the purpose of the
    medicines. The efforts of making sure I’m physically fit for the
    procedure and that I understood the process, educate me of the pros and cons, led me to
    a conclusion that project 486 is worth the shot. I decided to trust them
    all throughout the process. Thank you for reaching back project 486!

  15. Project486 has been a great help to me since I got pregnant accidentally again and cannot provide the needs of it. I choose to let project486 help me again since last 2020 they did not fail to help me. The procedure was safe and effective.

  16. Hi, I am Jam. I’ve reach out to Project486 because I am not yet ready for a 4th child. Sad to say, but this pregnancy was a mistake. My boyfriend doesn’t even know that it isn’t his. As soon as I found out about my pregnancy, i was devastated and at the same time felt guilty of what ive done. I was so desperate that i searched through internet right away hoping to find someone who can help me terminate my pregnancy. I saw a woman post about project486 and so i didnt hesitate to email them right away. To be honest , i never thought i would get a reply. I was relieved when I got 3 emails from them the same day. John was my consultant and he was very accommodating.

  17. Every body should have a say in what they get to do with their own body. That’s why it has been such a big problem to easily have access to these kind of medicines because our country wouldn’t just allow it. How I wish it could’ve been more accessible to everyone. And I do really believe that everyone learns from their own mistakes.

  18. Good day. I badly need your assistance to my current situation right now. I am located in Cebu and I have already sent you an email. I hope that you could help me out on this. I am hoping for your response. Thank you.

  19. I am pregnant, again for the second time. We use contraceptive to avoid but unfortunately it still happened. I conclude that not all contraception method are 100% effective. This is my second time desperately asking help of project486. I am ashame to asked for their help again but i have no choice. They are my only hope. Pregnancy is not for me. I do not want to raise a child that i am not prepared. I already had one.

  20. I have decided to terminate this pregnancy because I am not mentally, emotionally, and financially ready to have a baby. I believe that this is the right decision for me and for everyone else in this whole situation. It would be a lot more selfish of me to bring a child into this world without giving them my 100% best. I don’t want them to suffer like how I did as an eldest child just because my parents weren’t ready when they had me. Even though my boyfriend is very supportive about me having it, I couldn’t bring myself to be happy. I had so much to do, and so much to learn. Raising a child is not something I am prepared of, and I don’t want to mess up, not to a child, no. Thats why I have decided to let Project 486 help me. It was such a relief to have people on your side and are supporting your decision in every way they could. They are also very responsive and very informative. To Sir Alex and to my consultant John, thank you for making this easier for me.

  21. Good evening we need help. Me and my boyfriend are not prepared to have a baby because I’m still in college while he just got a job after graduating. I am also going to study abroad in a few months and I can’t get pregnant because I’ll be denied entry. We do have plans to have children but we made a mistake too soon. It is unfortunate our country isn’t supportive of abortion but we are thankful for people like you to help women in need. Please help us correct our wrongs.

  22. My situation is very very similar to the post above, even up to the reasoning why I am determined to do this. Being raised by devout Catholics, I know how badly this is looked upon, but I also cannot bring another person into this world knowing I cannot provide for it. I know I, and my partner, are both not mentally, emotionally, and most especially, financially ready to take responsibility for another human being.I’m very grateful to have found Project486 in my search for help. I have not undergone the process yet, but even just the preliminary steps they have taken to assist me has be very comprehensive and comforting. Please reach out to Project486 if you also wish to have a choice because as far as they’ve shown me, you will be cared for.

  23. Hi project486.com

    I’m a mother of 2 kids still study and availing a scholarship in school as an athlete at the same time working as a BPO agent. Life is tough and I can’t afford to have another child since I don’t have a house that I call my own. I’m currently living with my partner, even when I don’t to have a sexual intercourse with him I can’t say NO since I’m living with him in one roof. My only escape is to finish studies and have my own life wherein I have a freedom to do so with my kids.

    I have a job but can’t raise to well my kids especially there are lot of bills to pay every end of the month.

    As of now having 2 kids is enough. Hoping project486.com is a key for me to make thing right even not in positive way.

    Having a kid is a blessing but raising is quite difficult especially when you don’t have conducive environment to raise it.

    So glad I had conversation with Sir John he helps me a lot how this works and the risks involve.

    So glad this page exist to help other women like me.

  24. Hi. I am Yumi. 24 years old. And yes, just like you, got unexpected pregnancy which hindered my plan for the future. My boyfriend and I had interactions every week. I actually use contraceptive pills, particularly Trust pills and it never failed me. Just that I had one problem with it, its side effects. Trust pills made me nauseous, bloated, migraine, its just heavy for me. So I decided to switch to Dianne which was 10times much expensive than Trust pills. Little did I know, it failed to protect me from pregnancy. I actually didn’t know I was pregnant then because I just felt the same effects I had with Trust pills, so I thought “Dianne has the same side effects with Trust pills” me switching pills is just useless (but I was already pregnant then). I first found out the truth when suddenly my nauseous and numb taste didn’t go away for a month and I never had menstruation that month. I then decided to try PT. I bought 2 on first try, 1 was invalid, the other one has clear one line but faded second line. The next few days, my feelings worsened, I vomit quite a lot, and I can feel a heartbeat in my stomach. I decided to buy another 2 PT from different drug store this time, both were positive. I was confused, sad, overwhelmed, I had mixed emotions, I was overthinking for days and cry late at night when I am alone at my room. A week passed, I decided to do another PT. Bought 2 from another drug store, and yep, positive. To confirm, I decided to do a pelvic exam and yes it was indeed true, I am pregnant. I can see the baby at the monitor, and I was happy which immediately turned to sadness. I had plans for my future and this wasn’t part of it. This will only hinder my plans. Crying and crying really didn’t solve anything. So I searched and searched, decided to go abroad for the procedure but don’t have enough funds for that. Then I came across this site. Yes it may seem untrustworthy but still I tried. The one who accommodated me seems so professional like he really knows all about this kind of medical procedure like he was indeed a real doctor like what the other comments I read stated. So I began to trust this and proceed to the procedure. Wish me luck for a successful procedure.

  25. Hi I’m april. I sent an email requesting for your help. I tested positive on PT and i really need your help.

  26. Hi, I’m Sofia

    I did a PT and came out positive. I want to abort it since I am not yet ready and have other plans in life. I am panicking and I’m tired of everything.

    I found an FB acct which offers abortion pills and service in Cebu, and I’ve been doing a “7-day preparation” as per their instructions. They provided me with meds for the abortion, which contained 6 bare “Mifepristone” tablets. I was still on my 4th day of the whole process and I’m really tired of all the not properly eating/sleeping, being unhealthy with my body and doing everything just to be stressed to “humina ang kapit”. I was doubtful of everything the FB account mentioned that I should do and intake. I didn’t feel safe.

    I have just found Project 486 while finding other alternatives that are legitimate. I’ve seen through the posts here and as I consulted via email with Project 486, I was just made aware that there are redflags with the meds I purchased from that FB page.

    I just had a call with the consultant here in Project 486 and hopefully everything will go successfully.

    1. Hi I’m Elle,

      When I found this site, i felt relieved. It was late at night, and i couldn’t sleep knowing that when i took a PT, it was positive. I couldn’t possibly raise this child as i am still a student. My greatest nightmare is to be my family’s disappointment which i ended up doing so but i couldn’t possibly deal with it.

      I know deep inside what I’ll be doing is wrong but it is for the best. I trust Project486 to help me with my unwanted pregnancy. Project 486 is my last resort, and will be my string of hope.

      I hope in the end, things will get better.

  27. Hello, I’m Jen. I sent an email hoping you could help me. I’ve done 2 PT and I’ve been positive twice. I urgently need your help

    1. i have a 4years relationship with my ex boyfriend ,and this is where my biggest mistake started,..its been almost 2 years since we broke up but we have still communication with each other,.it happens on january 3rd week this year my biggest mistake and regret happen,.i have a one time sex with my ex..in the next month february i just got a period but its just a spotting and the following month i didnot have my period,i thought it was just nothing because i experience also abnormalities of my mens.and then my friend confronted me at june,i told her thats why she advise me to take a PT,and the result was shocking,i never expect that ,that one time sex with my ex will turn my life missirable..i decided to abort my baby because my ex had already his own family and i dont want to people see me that im a whrecked one..my friend help me find a medical abortion in google,and we contact one person stating in forum that they sell drugs for abortion,.we didnt hesitate to order and do the procedure once we have the meds.and then the meds arrive.( The rotec and cytotec has its blister pack but the white tablet that they said its mefipristone they just put it in sealed plastic) .FIRST procedure we failed,.we order another one set,cuz they said i need the MAX DOSAGE so without hisitation we order again,but sad to say SECOND ATTEMPT IS ALSO FAILED,.i never lost hope,they suggest me to take another max dosage that cost 25k..for the first and second attempt i already spent 17k..so my friend decide to look another person who can help my problem and then she find PROJECT486.she just keep on clicking the comment/article that she read and finally found the email adress og project486,.once she found it she emailed it as soon as possible seeking for help and assistant to get rid of my problem..luckyly they replied our email.and that is the start of our transaction of PROJECT486

  28. HI! I’m Yesha , 28 yrs. old just like other women’s do this but a different reason why we should stop being in a pregnant. For my side I already had 2 Girls and 1 Boy their still young but sad to say I got pregnant for 3 weeks and I told to my partner that I’m a preggy and he said oh? are u sure maybe ur mistaken and I told him yes and I already used a pregnancy test and it’s positive. So may panggamba na ako sa kanya sa pangatlong anak namin Saka pa siya nag taka fast forward in the other days na huli ko siya Kasi kinuha ko ung phone at na basa ko Convo ng dalawa sabi bukas na daw prenatal niya for 5 mons sasamahan ba kamo. pagka basa ko pakiramdam ko gumuho Mundo ko pati pagiging babae di ko alam ano gagawin ko may mga anak kami maliliit pa at tatlo pa at nag away na kami dahilan na ng babae siya tapos buntis pa Pina pipili ko siya kung San ba samin na mas matimbang sa kanya peru wlang pag dalawang isip don pa siya sumama kaya napag isipan ko na mag pa abort Kasi kailangan pa ako ng mga anak ko at tataguyod ko pa sila gang pag laki nila . May kaibigan ako na may alam regarding cytotec bumili ako ng limang peraso iinomin daw ung apat tapos ung isa pasok daw sa loob ng vagina ginawa ko sinabi nila kaso wlang ng yari di ako dinatnan pakiramdam ko lang ay masakit yong balakang at na duduwal at tumatae tapos in the other day wla na parang wla lang tapos nag research naman ako sa google Buti nlang na kita ko to ung project486 nag babasa ako tungkol sa abortion at madami namang safe at successful sa proseso kaya nag pag isipan ko at dinalangin ko na sana sila na yong maka tutulong sa aking problema at nag papasalamat ako na kahit papano sa Dami ng nag memessage at nag comment na we all need help how to abort at thankful Ang bait nila no judgement at all. Thank you!

  29. Helo im cherry,

    Una sa lahat na shock ako bakit lumalaki ang boobs ko , sign siguro na buntis ako, mao to nag PT ko nalaman ko don na positive ako nahibong nalang ko so ni nagpalit ko balik PT mao to positive gihapon. 2 months na nalaman ko buntis ako, my pcos kasi ako lage ako walang regla.kaya nong march my mentration ako tas pagkatapos nagpunta kami sa bahay nang bf ko yon my contact kami that time.
    Since nalalaman ko na buntis ako i was able to sleep properly na stress na ako. Mao to nka hunahuna ko og search online may nakita ako project 486. Ganahan ko sa ilang service base sa mga story nang iba naging successful sila, hopefully maging successful din ako.kaya po ako magpa abort kasi bf ko poh pinsan ko at ayaw kng malaman nang parents ko natakot ako.
    At may tiwala ako sa project 486.

    1. Hi im mariel 25 yrs old
      Una sa lahat nung nalaman kong buntis ako nag search po ako sa Facebook pero fail po na scam ako .. nag search ulit ko sa google dito ko nalaman ang project486 nag basa po ako sa mga natulongan nila nag email agad ako sa kanila na kailangan ko nang tulong may anak na kasi ako dalawa nung nalaman kong buntis ako hiwalay na po kmi ng partner ko salamat sa project 486 sa pag tulong sa akin .

  30. Hi Ezra here!

    I was a month or so late with my period that’s when I got a PT, at first me and my partner were doubtful and had to do a second test , by the 2nd test we found out that this is it its true and we were in a state of shock , we are not ready to be parents and due to family pressures also and peers we decided to search for an option for a safe abortion, good thing google filtered out project 486 and just by email they explained and helped us,

    thank you project 486

  31. I have sent an email. Will wait fir a response. I just turned 20, has irregular menstruation and just found out that I am pregnant we think it’s already 5 or 6 months. Can I still have an abortion at this stage? We’re still not ready yet.

  32. I have a friend who is in need of a procedure she is going on three months pregnant due to being raped and is losing faith in living is there any one who can help

  33. I am so glad and relieved that i found out about this website. I am 23 years old, jobless and only depending on my partner’s income. We are still starting to build a life together and having a kid is so far from our original plan. So it was a mutual decision that continuing this pregnancy is something we cannot handle on our plate as of the moment. We also want to make sure that once we become parents, we are financially, physically and mentally stable enough to become the best parents a child could ever have. As a first timer in doing MA, i really don’t have any idea on where to get legit A pills here in the philippines since it’s illegal here, unfortunately i got scammed by a seller i found online. Im not gonna lie, at first I was hesitant since she/he instructed me to do a lot of things before doing the procedure, most of them are home remedies. I should’ve known that was the biggest red flag i should be watching out when it comes to identifying legit sellers here in ph. It was a failed procedure and only gave me too much stress instead. That’s when I found out about this organization that helps women to have the safest way to be able to do MA. I also never asked any of our friends since me and my partner wanted to keep this to ourselves. I hope every women in the PH who wanted to do MA will be able to come across this page because we all have the rights to be able to do whatever we want with our bodies and do it the safest way possible.

  34. This is the story Sir, after our graduation nag party po kami at naka inom nalasing po ako ng time na yun at mai nangyari samin ng boyfriend ko and I also stopped drinking pills po because im planning to get new kasi nahihilo po ako sa trust pills , Lasing po kaming dalawa that time dipo namin alam na napasok nya pala lahat and earlier i take PT Sir and it became positive again Im really sorry Sir.

  35. I am on the process of consultation with Sir John. I took a PT 1st week of July and it turned out to be positive. I know that this is not an accident because me ang my partner have been so active sexually, but there is a part of me that I am not ready yet, I may be at the right age already but I am not yet ready to bear and raise a child mentally and physically. Also, my parents would be so disappointed with me if they will know this, their expectations from me is very high, I can’t let them down. So I asked a friend if they have knowledge regarding medical abortion and luckily they gave me this website. She said it is legit and can be trusted. Thus, it really is. I am done with my first consultation and helped me gain a lot of knowledge. They are not pushy and they even give you time to deeply think about this decision. They are so comfy to transact with.

    1. I’m 22y/o college student, and I know that its really not the right time to get pregnant. My period is about 8 days late, me and my boyfriend is starting to worry that I might be pregnant so we took a PT and it came out positive right after few minutes show 2 lines. We are not ready to raise child yet, especially in the financial part. So we searched on the net about medical abortions and we found some few websites. One of the websites looks legit but after reading the comments, a lot mentioned that its a scam. One of the comments says that they have been scammed and also mentioned “project486.com” had helped them and its legit. So came to a decision and try to contact project486, their response have given us assurance and comfort. I’m very thankful for the consulation that lasted more that one hour and free of charge. Thank you very much project486.

  36. Me and my husband decided to do this procedure due to my health conditions that may greatly affect me and the POC. After a thorough search for help, i’m so thankful i’d found this site, which is very helpful in answering all my questions. all my worries became ease as my consultant assured me to guide me throughout the entire process.

  37. Kindly help. I am 4 weeks pregnant and I am just 19 years old. I’ve sent an email to the account written in “contact us”, kindly respond po.

  38. Hi I’m blankspace20,

    I just recently found out that i am pregnant. may mga signs na talaga that probably baka buntis but still i was in denial esp. when i took a urine pregnancy test kit and it turns out positive. When i saw the result i got really scared since im still young and student pa ako, i still want to help my parents, to give back to them at hindi ko gusto maging family disappointments. When i told my partner that im planning to abort it, he was hesistant at first but i explain it to him that i am not ready to bring the child into this world where i can’t provide him/her so thankfully nag-agree na din siya since mga bata pa nga kami kakatrabaho lang niya din at tumutulong din siya sa pamilya niya. I know that it was illegal here in the Philippines to have abortion but i was so desperate talaga so i search on facebook and some other sites but they were all sketchy until i search on google and stumble this website. And i felt relief that this website talaga shows pictures and testimonies about the people they help esp. here sa cebu so i email and thankfully talaga madali sila magrespond kasi natatakot talaga ako nun and they give me rightaway schedule for consultation. thankful din kasi na explain during consultation what would happen and some possibilities during the procedure kasi hindi talaga ako nagpacheck up mga doc kasi na tatakot ako buti nalang nasagot and na explain during consultation ang mga worries ko.
    Hopefully everything will be alright na. Maraming salamat Project486.

  39. When was your last menstruation? If you are under 12 weeks pregnant, the standard method is Medical Abortion by the use of the drugs Mifepristone and Misoprostol.

    1. I’m incredibly pleased and relieved that I discovered this website. Their honesty, effective assistance, and clear communication have been invaluable. I’m eagerly anticipating the arrival of my medications. Both Sir Alex and Dr. John have significantly influenced my choices and my future, especially since I’m still a student in the process of graduating. I firmly support the notion that women should have autonomy over their bodies. Being someone dedicated to advancing my career and having a partner who shares the same values, we are certain that we aren’t prepared for parenthood at this moment. We recognize that introducing a new life requires careful preparation. Our current decision isn’t a lack of love for the child we’re carrying, but rather a desire to ensure that they have the best possible life. We want to guarantee that we’re emotionally, financially, and physically equipped to provide for our child’s needs. I wholeheartedly endorse this website.

  40. I have always been pro-choice. I believe that women should have rights over their body autonomy. As someone who is passionate about chasing her career and a partner who also share the same views, We know for sure, that we’re not ready for a child nor are we able to shoulder all the responsibility as parents. We truly believe that if we are to introduce life in this world, we should have everything ready. It’s not that we don’t love the child that I’m carrying now, it’s just we can’t allow our child live a life he/she doesn’t deserve nor a life of scarcity. I have reached out to different people to provide medicine. However, the medicines that they gave didn’t work to the point that I didn’t bleed nor felt any contractions. One person who – I thought I can trust, used my vulnerability to conduct his perversive acts. I bought an MA set from him, he told me that in order for it to be effective, he should administer it. However, when we arrived at the hotel he told me that in order for my cervix to fully open, he needs to introduce his p*nis to my V. I was appalled and I told him that I will do it myself since I had experience with MA and have done it before when I was in college and was impregnated. So instead, he told me that once my partner comes back from buying supplies that he told us to get, we should have sex so my cervix can open and so we did, with him in the same room. Until, he realized that we can’t do it and he decided to go. Everyday after that, he would give me updates about his patients who successfully completed the process and that it was so easy for them because they allowed him to penetrate their Vs. I had doubts and even questioned myself but I knew through my gut-feeling that what he was doing was unethical and perversive. After tirelessly searching for a group that can help me solve my problem, I have stumbled upon Project486. I have reached out to them and they are accommodating and they gave me assurance. They made me understand how the process works, the effects of the medicine and told me that the medicines I’ve acquired before are fake and I should’ve checked it. All in all, Project486 gave me assurance. And from being hostile, I became calm because they answered all of my questions and explained everything to me. Morever, the medicines that they provide are very cheap compared to the medicines offered online (me and my partner have wasted so much money).

  41. Hi everyone just like any other woman in here I’m also in need of help about my situation, at first I was very hesitant since I’m just a working student and doing this all alone is scary for me but still I took a chance to email and having the chance to talk with Doctor John who gave me assurance about whats gonna happen to me, and so I did trust him and the feedbacks are very helpful for me too, clarify things, glad I found project486.

  42. Greetings, everyone! I hope you’re all having a wonderful day. I’m here today to share a deeply personal journey with all of you, as I stand by my partner during a challenging time. Right now, she finds herself in a vulnerable state, and we are faced with a difficult decision. You see, we are both college students striving for bright futures, especially for her. Parenthood, at this moment, is not something we feel prepared for. It’s a tough situation, but we’ve made the choice not to continue with this pregnancy, and she is currently 3-4 weeks along.

    During this uncertain time, a dear friend recommended Project486 to us, and I can’t express how grateful I am that we took their advice. Within the first 5 minutes of speaking with Sir John, my girlfriend and I felt assured of his professionalism and authenticity. Sir/Doc John made us feel supported every step of the way.

  43. I’m deeply grateful to Project486 for their support during this challenging time. My harsh living conditions and unreadiness to become a parent led me to the difficult decision of having an abortion.

    Project486 has been a crucial source of assistance and understanding. Their compassionate staff has made me feel heard and cared for, providing a safe space during this vulnerable period.

    I want to emphasize the importance of organizations like Project486, as they offer vital support and respect for individuals facing tough decisions. They’ve enabled me to make the right choice for my current situation, and for that, I’ll always be thankful. Thank you, Project486, for being there when I needed it most.

  44. Im currently a working student somewhere in Cebu, and I recently got scammed by the Cebu Abortion Clinic with a guy still using the Joey P. Guirigay as the alias, I was so rattled when I found out I was pregnant, I was willing to do anything, because I couldn’t bring this to term, I could not have a child because I know I would not be able to give him/her a good life and I’d also like to enjoy mine even further, I hurt myself and I was looking for so many ways until I stumbled on a comment that said something about project486, I emailed them on the email they provided, and I was thankful they replied after a few hours, I wouldnt know what to do if they didn’t, I would have hurt myself in the long run, if there was nothing I could turn to, I’m thankful to sir J for all his help and to his team, and I will do all that I can to make sure nobody gets scammed by this Joey again in Cebu

  45. Thanks to my online friend who recommended this site. I was scared when I found out that I was pregnant. I hurriedly searched for websites or pills where I could get help and buy. Thankfully, my online friend suggested emailing project486 because she used to be a patient of this site, and it’s really effective.

  46. Hello I’m Charmy, altho I’m in the right age I still couldnt afford to raise a child. I dont have enough savings and I’m still basically a student. I talked to a friend who found project486. The consultant was kind and assisted me throughout the consultation. I couldn’t feel any safer. Thank you, Doc.

  47. Hi I am Hailey and I found out I am pregnant. Me and my partner agreed to not keep the baby because it will most likely not have a fulfilling childhood taken into account me and my partner are not financially stable as of now. Please help us🙏

    1. Hi, I’m Beth. My partner and I are sexually active for almost a yeat now. I just found out that I’m pregnant. Both of us are not yet financially and emotionally ready to be parents, so we decided to not keep it. We did our research and found this blog about the Project468. Everyone from the team is very approachable and they have provided all the necessary steps. I feel so safe because of them.

  48. I was really not planning to have a baby but with circumstances and grief, i meet someone and had this baby. My life is complicated right now and having this baby at my age 39 is a little risky for me. I hope that this will help me and i know its not something to be proud of but i just cant have this right now. I was able to talk to the consultant here at project 486 and he gave me all the information that i needed. Information that helped me decide the right thing for me. Now i feel safe knowing they are there without judgement.

  49. Forgive me if I wanted to end this pregnancy. It was just a one night stand. I’m not yet ready to sacrifice my freedom. I still want to finish my doctorate degree this year. I refuse to believe it. I refuse to accept it. Please help me.

  50. hello good day! proj 486 had help more woman all over the philippines. they would gave out advices and listen to you with out judgements

  51. Me and my gf made a mistake that could potentially ruin our future, with our scholarships on the line, we decided to go through the process. With many prevalent scammers online, im glad to not have settled in FB ads and dug deeper to find project 486. Mr. Alex has been very professional and so has Doc John specially with his consultation, they have our complete trust.Project 486 has been our light during these dark times and we are forever grateful.

  52. I am already a mother with 1 son from different partner. My current boyfriend and I decided not to continue with our second baby. 1 reason is and kalisod sa kinabuhi Karon and Dili pa ma fully understand sa akong son Karon nga Naa siyah laing sibling nga sa lain nga papa. We decided not to continue because we are not 100% prepared. I don’t have work and akong uyab just started his new career. Need pa namo mo tigom og tarong if we want to have a baby on our own. Not to be selfish but Dili mi ganahan nga mas magka lisod among kinabuhi puhon due to this lapses sa among side that resulted in having an unwanted baby.

  53. I know this is not the right way but I really have no other choice. Forgive me Lord but I don’t want this baby to suffer, the father of the baby is useless and I still have a lot of responsibilities especially with my family since I’m the breadwinner. Hopefully this will be a success

  54. I know this is not the right way but I really have no other choice. Forgive me Lord but I don’t want this baby to struggle and sugfer, the father of the baby is useless and I still have a lot of responsibilities especially with my family since I’m the breadwinner. Just waiting for confirmation to send my payment and so the meds will be shipped

  55. I have no other choice but to do this since I’m not financially and mentally able to raise a child and also being in the medical field is prettt tough.

  56. Project486.com ako ayy naka salukuyan naki pag transact sa kanila kasi sila rin yong naka tulong ng mabuti sa mga kababaihan na nag oa abort ka gaya ko. I trust them kasi sa dami kung nakikita na gina gawa ng nag pa abort ayy may kasulukuyang ebedensya na ina upload talaga na safe abortion talaga sila kaya naka pag decide ako na maki pag transact sa kanila..

  57. I have been trying to have miscarriage for two weeks now and everything that I have been drinking has not worked. I am so worried because I cannot have this baby. Thinking about ending it is making me feel so sad and sick but I badly want it to end. I hope this time, this will be effective and successful.

  58. While I’m searching the location my friend recommended a Abortion clinic here in Cebu I found a comment recommending Project486 website then I’ve read all the testimonies of all their past clients and decided to trust them and while I message them I found at ease at my heart that they are super 100% legit because of how they’re treating their clients and I know I this will be successful without you worrying what will happen in your life.

  59. I’m one of those women who has been helped by project486. During my 1st pregnancy I was lucky to have first found this organization and good for me because I was not one of those women who were scammed online looking for abortion pill. This is **th time already asking for their help and I never doubted anyone in this group especially Sir Jhon when it comes to the process because they’ll make sure to be with throught it all. My previous procedures were successful with the help of Sir Jhon. This is the saddest and the heaviest decision to make but I have to. With Sir Jhon, I should worry less for I know everything will be okay.

  60. Due to difficult life circumstances and feeling unprepared for the responsibilities of parenthood, I feared that I would not be able to provide a stable, secure, and nurturing environment for a child. Financial struggles, emotional readiness, and the lack of necessary support systems made it clear that continuing the pregnancy would lead to overwhelming challenges for both myself and the child. Given these factors, I made the painful but necessary decision to prioritize my well-being and future stability.

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